Celebrating Sandy

We recently posted an article titled, Our Volunteers Are EVERYTHING, and Sandy Howell is a perfect example. Sandy’s service for AZ Blankets 4 Kids had a unique start in 2003, when she and her husband, Bob, were leading a motorcycle club. Gold Wing F Troop was looking for a local organization to support, and AZB4K became their chosen non-profit. After a start in fundraising with F Troop, Sandy began attending our Bees and was quickly bitten by the quilting bug. Now Sandy sews for us and has continued fundraising efforts through her employer, Salt River Project (SRP).

You can change the world one person at a time. And who better to start with than as a child.
Sandy Howell

This year Sandy was a recipient of the SRP Presidents’ Volunteer Spirit Award. If you’re experiencing deja vu, it could be a memory from 2017 when Sandy previously received this award. Check out the video below, produced by SRP, featuring Sandy and Sylvia Saffell, President of AZB4K.

We’re so grateful for Sandy’s service and we cherish her friendship and fellowship at every Bee. On September 14th, we’ll have another opportunity to gather with old friends and make new ones too, with JustServe.org hosting a Quilting Bee.

2024 – Saturday, September 14 – Bonus Bee with JustServe.org for 9/11 Day of Service

You never know when will be the start of another beautiful friendship rooted in making blugs (blanket hugs) for our kids. In preparing for this article, I searched through every newsletter and posted story on our website. I took a screenshot of every newsletter page that referenced F Troop or Sandy and have posted them below for you to take a leisurely scroll through. Enjoy your trip down memory lane.

Although we switched from printed/mailed newsletters to a digital blog format, you can still access all old newsletters on our website. If you click on the NEWS tab at the top of our page, it takes you to our blog roll of individual stories, but if you click the little down arrow, next to NEWS v, you’ll see a link to NEWSLETTERS.

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